2011 - Present
20th Sheffield Scouts 100 Year Centenary (1911 - 2011)
Centenary Gang Show
Scouting Showcase
Centenary Dinner
Andrew Watson is an official Torch Bearer for 2012 London Olympics
A devastating earthquake hits Nepal. Beavers raise money for Shelterbox through a sponsored hike through Burbage valley. The wider group stage a fundraising car wash at B&Q on Queens Road.
Daniel Adcock, Luke Capel and Tony Richardson attend the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Kirarahama, Yamaguchi, Japan. The event is attended by 33,628 Scouts and Leaders. The theme was 和 Wa: A Spirit of Unity.
20th Scouts go on Lads and Dads camp - and they are determined not to miss the rugby, with a campsite cinema!
Tony Richardson takes over from Nick Bryan as GSL
The Duke of Edinburgh awards launched by Chris Staves, Tim Shiles and Jess Richardson with 25 Scouts enrolled in the first year (15 Silver, 10 Gold).
Wednesday Beaver Colony launched by Diane Watts to cater for the growing demand for children wanting to join the 20th Sheffield Scouts.
20th Sheffield Cubs celebrate 100 years of Cubs (1916 - 2016), in the Peak District.
We Celebrate 30 Years of Beavers Scouts at 20th.
Andrew Watson organises a fantastic Gang Show.
Diane and Tim Watts retire after 20 years of service to the group.
The Scout Active Support Unit is launched and headed by Neil Benson.
Group sponsored walk raises £7k towards the replacement minibus fund.
A few of the 19 Explorer Scouts out on their DofE Practice Expeditions, Derbyshire.
Simba (Thursday) Cub Pack launched by Phill Tate to cater for the additional transitions to Cubs from two full Beaver Colonies.
Storage container placed at Henry Boot as the store room and garage were overflowing.
Phill Tate climbs Mont Blanc, raising £2k for the group.
Melanie Holmes gains her Archery Permit and the group purchases archery kit.
Tony Richardson attends the 24th World Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, West Virginia, USA. The hosting duties were split between the Boy Scouts of America, Scouts Canada, and Asociación de Scouts de México. The theme was Unlock a New World.
49 Beavers
86 Cubs
85 Scouts
43 Explorers
30 Leaders
Friday night Scouts is relaunched by Andrew Brown to accommodate increasing numbers.
COVID19 moves Scouting online for 9 months.
We hold our first Group Virtual online camp.
We Held ‘20th Big Fat Family Quiz’ online to 100 families.