Online Scout Manager
for Parents
Parent Portal
Our OSM parent portal revolutionises the way leaders communicate by giving you various tools with automatic reminders.
You can pay for events and fees
You can sign up to events
You can view the programme
You can see your child's badge progress
You can keep contact and medical info up to date
You can view badge progress
See badge requirements
Find out where the badge goes on the uniform
Upload evidence of completing badges at home with 'Badges At Home'
You can view the programme
Sign up to the parent rota
See any special instructions (where to meet, etc)
View badges being covered
Upload videos/pictures to meetings and use a real-time chat with 'Programmes At Home'
You can sign your child up to events
You can answer additional questions
Integrated with the payments system
Automatic reminders
You can download files provided (e.g. kit lists)
Personal Details
You can view and update your data
Leaders will receive changes made by you
Extra information can be collected (dietary requirements, allergies etc.)
Online Payments
You can pay online
Integrates with Gift Aid system
Automatic reminders for payments